1. Increased Sales.
One of the biggest and best benefits of accepting credit cards in your business is the fact that it can increase your overall sales. The reason why it can increase your overall sales is because it can give you access to a whole new demographic that loves to use their credit cards for their transactions. You will inevitably lose a lot of sales if you only offer cash as a form of payment because a lot of people either do not carry enough cash on their person or they simply prefer to pay with their credit cards.

2. Compete With Your Competition.

If you do not accept credit cards and your competition does, you are going to lose customers to them eventually. As noted previously, the amount of market share of customers that pay with cash is dwindling. Therefore, it is important to adapt in order to be able to survive. If your competition is offering the ability for customers to pay with credit cards, you need to do so as well.

3. Improve Your Cash Flow.

A lot of businesses live and die off of their cash flow. Believe it or not, but accepting credit cards can improve your cash flow. This is especially true if you accept a lot of checks. Instead of having to wait for checks to clear, you will be able to access your funds a lot faster.

4. E Commerce.

By accepting credit cards you will be able to increase your market potential by offering your goods and/or services online. The fact is, credit cards are the most commonly used payment tool for consumers that shop online. If you are planning on getting into E-commerce, you simply cannot afford to not accept plastic.

5. Safer.

Another huge reason to begin accepting credit cards as a form of payment is that it is a lot safer to do so than to accept other forms like checks. With checks, you risk the possibility of it bouncing. That means you will have to spend a lot of extra time tracking down the customer whose check bounced in order to get them to repay. Instead of having to deal with all of that, you simply can accept credit cards as payments. Because they are screened as they are processed, they can ultimately reduce the amount of risk that you inherit for fraud. Also, reputable merchant processors are going to be able to ensure that your processing is safe and secure. They will also be able to protect you and your customers from all kinds of problems like data breaches and/or identify theft.

6. Convenience.

Another huge reason to accept credit cards as a form of payment is that a lot of customers find them to be convenient. Otherwise, they have to carry a lot of cash on them. This is not as safe for them to do. Therefore, you might miss out on a sale simply because the customer only shops with credit card(s).

7. Inexpensive.

A lot of small and medium sized businesses that do not accept credit cards as a form of payment note that they do so because it is expensive and that it eats into their profits. The truth is, it is not very expensive at all. Because the processing industry is so competitive today, you can find credit card processing packages at extremely good rates. Take Higher Standards for instance, they offer some of the most competitive rates in the industry.

8. Quick And Easy To Do.

Another benefit is that it is incredibly easy and quick to do in today’s marketplace. Gone are the days of having the process take weeks. You can now get your account set up within days.

9. Legitimize Your Business.

Because most consumers recognize and trust brands like; Visa, MasterCard, American Express, etc, you will be able to legitimize your business by leveraging their reputations. This means that you will be able to sell to more customers as a result.

10. Business Credit Cards.

It allows other businesses and/or wholesalers to purchase from your business with their business credit card accounts.
As you can see, there are plenty of benefits that you get from accepting credit cards as a payment. If you want more information, you can contact Higher Standards for all of your credit card processing needs.

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Credit card processing

Choose the best and most affordable processing solutions for your business.

Ecommerce processing

Grow your business with safe and affordable online payments.

B2B payment processing

Realize significant savings on Level 3 transactions with other businesses.

Electronic check & ACH payments

Accept electronic check and ACH payments quickly and securely.

Merchant cash advances

Tap into future credit card sales to gain access to working capital today.

Gift cards & loyalty cards

Offer gift cards and loyalty cards online and at point of purchase.

Processing for K-12 schools

Accept credit and debit cards for school meals, events, and fundraisers.

Give Back Gateway for non-profits

Software and processing that let churches and non-profit organizations accept online donations.

HS PayBridge

Integrated payment solution for city and state governments, school districts, childcare centers, athletics, and more.


Traditional credit card terminals to manage payments for any type of business.
Clover Kiosk


Kiosk hardware for self-service ordering and payment.

POS systems

Complete point-of-sale systems to help you manage your entire business.

Virtual terminals & shopping carts

Virtual terminals that run on your own computers, plus shopping carts for ecommerce.