Small Business Startups Are Booming!
Here’s an unexpected side effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. Apparently the number of small business startups is growing at a rapid clip. According to business formation statistics from the Census Bureau, more than 5.4 million applications to start new companies...
Cash Down, Credit and Electronic Payments Up
It appears that the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on how people pay for goods and services. According to the Atlanta Fed’s 2020 Diary of Consumer Payment Choice, the use of cash for payments dropped substantially in 2020, offset by a rise in...
10 Effective Ways to Protect Against Card Testing Fraud
There’s a new type of credit card fraud that seems minor on the surface but is growing into a major issue. It’s called card testing fraud and it could affect you – big time. What is Card Testing Fraud? Card testing fraud occurs when someone comes into...
John Wadsworth